December 8th, 2019 (Sick, Mall, New President, Military, Party)

I was very sick. I didn’t know what was wrong. I was with my parents. They didn’t seem to care. I asked them to take me to the hospital. They didn’t take me there, instead we went to the Goodwill store. Finally, they took me to the hospital. It was Arkansas Children’s Hospital. We went to one of the upper floors. All the employees were way too happy, strangely happy. The doctor came along. She shined a light on the middle of my forehead and said I was sick with sinusitis. I asked if I needed a prescription, she said no. There was a pile of receipts. I asked the doctor if I could have them, she said yes, of course. The receipts were huge amounts of money, one was 1,777 dollars at Sam’s Club. I asked the doctor why everyone was so happy. She said because it’s the last Friday. I left the room and looked for my parents, they were on a different floor. They were looking at heaters and tables, furniture. Suddenly, we were at Southpark Mall. There weren’t any people there, it was exactly as it was when I was a small child, including the fountains. There was nobody in the mall, so we went across the street to Toys R Us. There was a huge party in there, for a man that had just become the President of the USA. He was a thin, younger man. I overheard someone saying “This guy will be worse than Trump”. The man spotted me and came toward me. He wanted to have a sexual encounter, but I didn’t. I tried to walk away. His main guy wouldn’t allow me. They grabbed me and took me outside. There was a huge helicopter in the parking lot. They made me get on it. I closed my eyes while the helicopter started up, as I was scared. I asked where we were going, the President said it wasn’t important. We went high in the sky, then the pilot started maneuvering to fly very low, in a residential area. There were houses. Some of the houses were trashed. Some had Christmas decorations. A lot of the houses had military tanks in their driveways. All of a sudden, we were at a bar. It was another party. I had no desire for it, so I went and sat down at a table near the back. I suddenly saw something awful and started screaming. There were hundreds of hairy black spiders coming out of the vents. People didn’t seem to care, and I couldn’t find a way out. Some of the people were freaked out. 

Published by heidilore76

Into philosophy, photography, reading, dreams

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